Moving on…

Soooo the last time we spoke (my blogging pattern is now laughable, I know!), I was talking about how I wanted to make some changes in my life and start working towards my goals. I last published a blog post in December and since then I’ve proudly ticked off some major goals. I spoke about how I wanted to accomplish certain things in life which were quite particular as well as general. A somewhat realistic collection of various goals I hoped to achieve before/while I’m thirty (you can read it here). I did indulge in that BIG trip to celebrate turning thirty (hellooo Texas), and it’s safe to say that the celebrations continued for a few weeks after!

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30 things before/while I’m 30 (a somewhat realistic bucket list)

Everyone has their own idea of a bucket list – some are travelled based, home interior inspired or just life goals in general. I’m hitting the good old dirty thirty in a matter of weeks and since turning twenty nine, it’s all I can think about. I’ve been dwelling on the negative side of things instead of looking towards my future and living in the moment. I often feel pressured by society to have settled down by now, own my own home, have produced a baby or two and of course, found that perfect job. Hate to break it to you but I’ve “accomplished” none of that and in a way – it makes me happy. Why should I settle for a bad relationship, put myself in debt over a mortgage when I can travel the world and actually do what I want to do with my life?! OK so … I could rant forever regarding expectations/pressures but for today I’ll just share my somewhat realistic bucket list. I’m putting a spin on the traditional bucket list and compiling my own little version – a list that is centered around the big 3.0. Some people have put together their 30 goals/aspirations before they turn thirty but as I can’t possibly complete all of them within six weeks, I have decided to name them my ’30 while I’m 30′ goals.

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Blogger Niamh Kelly - Tenaya Lake, Yosmite National Park

West Coast photo diary

So… in last week’s photo diary we finished in New Orleans, right?! Fast forward about two hours eating in an airport and three hours flying we touched down in the City of Angels (a.k.a Los Angeles). In this section of the trip it was a bit more ‘nature based’ as we had the Grand Canyon, Joshua Tree, Lake Havasu, Yosemite etc on our itinerary. We also had Vegas to gear ourselves up for so taking in the fresh air and insane hikes at these jaw dropping spots was a good call. Both the East and West Coasts were two very different experiences and for me that made my trip one for the bucket list – best of both worlds in my opinion.

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East Coast photo diary 

It’s been a little while now since I’ve been home and I can honestly say it has taken me this long to get myself back on track. As previously mentioned I had a tough time settling back in but now I’m finally moving forward. I was quite reluctant to share my East and West Coast photo diaries as I was wanting to focus on other things however I know there are some of you who wanted me to share my images (you can find my daily travel adventures at the time over on my Instagram). I had imagined taking a huge variety of photographs all while appreciating these beautiful places in real life but due to weather in certain places (hello New York ) and the fact that I want to keep some of those memories private – I am just going to share a few from each location with you.

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The past, the present, the future

As I was putting together some new travel posts from my recent trip I thought I would talk about a few things before publishing them. Nothing serious but I wanted to share some thoughts and goals I have for the rest of 2017 and hopefully early 2018. Without sounding like a broken record I’ve went through major changes in most areas of my life within the past few years. I’ve recently spent a lot of time focusing on myself and ticking off huge goals from my bucket list.

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